Thursday, December 11, 2008

On Life - haiku

The seconds tick by
Another chapter in life
Will come to an end

Friday, December 5, 2008

Can We Get a New One?

So there's this whole thing about living at home. It involves sharing the home with my mother, not a terrible thing, and this great big angry thing, six foot, about 250 lbs. We call it "stepfather". And stepfather has a temper issue, mostly involving randomly running around and yelling at people. For example, today when I walked into the room and he came in and started grumbling at the DVD player.

Do you need some help stepfather?

I can live my life without your supervision *grumble grumble, anger*

Ok, I just thought you needed help.

Just shut the fuck up *grumble grumble*

I, understandably, fled the scene after putting the kitchen things away as I'd come in to do. The problem isn't that he was grumpy, but that he's like this ALL THE TIME. And he's not working currently and does not seem to be due to start working again for some time. Since I've decided to stay here while I go to school instead of moving as I was hoping to do, I'm debating on whether or not I need to have a chat about respect with him. Generally talks like that have him turning it around and blaming me for disrespect, why should he respect me etc. etc. But I'm tired of listening to him be rude because he had a bad day. It's not OK to take grumpiness out on everyone around you.

I also have issues with showering when he's home and when he's not working... that's alot of time that I have to try and dodge his schedule to get a shower in. Blegh. I have been a stinky kitty for many reasons >.<

I'm working on creating a safe space for myself, one that my friends actually want to visit because right now... nobody will enter my home because of Stepfather. I spend my weeks going out of my way to see my friends and it doesn't feel right. If they want to be my friends, why would they abandon me in this place just because they don't want to be around him? I have two rooms to myself, they wouldn't have to be around him. I'm barely around him when I'm home.

I asked my mum if we could put him up on craigslist. One foul tempered stepfather, free to a good home. Then we can get a new one... I bet Johnny Depp would be a good stepfather.

Love and Kisses,
Andro Angel