Thursday, June 30, 2011

Days go by...

Things are looking up these days, something I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to say. I'm doing my first photoshoot as a model in over two years, with a couple from the Island that I'm meeting this weekend, and then modeling for at the end of July. It's a very cool fairy tale inspired shoot, and I'm super excited to be a part of it.
I'm also (potentially) going to be submitting to them - I told Master J that I was putting myself in their capable hands and that they could decide what would or would not happen. I'm torn between paralyzing fear and crazy excitement, which is a pretty wild combination that leaves me somewhat damp and squirming. We shall see how everything goes.

I have photographed Delilah Diabolic again and she has a very promising career in burlesque, she had a really rough show, but if you didn't know how she rehearsed her routine, you'd never have known, she held herself together great. It was her first paid gig which had her over the moon happy. She did spectacular and I'm so proud to be following her career as her "official" photographer.

This blog might be moving soon! I'm looking at potentially registering the domain name and linking it up to my hosting site once I've got a stronger grasp on wordpress. I'm learning it right now as part of my "real" job as a marketing assistant and digital media person so we'll see how that goes.

Anyways, I must be off. Love and perverted kisses to all.
Subversion is the key,


Saturday, June 11, 2011

New Pet

I am the proud owner of a little butter motley corn snake! SO much excitment. I'm also photographing Delilah Diabolic again tonight, so enjoy the snake pics and stay tuned for updates!