Monday, June 8, 2009

43 Things

I must admit I've recently gotten quite into all these different networking sites - especially sites like Twitter that require very little participation on my part, and allow me to make instant updates to what I'm doing, link to practically every device on the planet (see my sidebar? You love my sidebar, admit it), and most recently through a site called 43 Things, make goals and track my progress.

I think of all the networking sites currently in existence, 43 Things is my favorite. I have always struggled with goals, mostly because keeping them in perfect list form was exhausting. Then you have to track down the list and you don't get to keep it as neatly organized as 43 things enables you to do. It also limits you (as you might have guessed, to 43 goals) so that you're not making a ridiculous list that you could never in a million years complete. It gives you the option of adding a specific "challenge" - a single goal that you're going to focus on for a set period of time. That goal stays as your challenge until you either complete it or give up, and if you give up, you have a consequence that you set that you have to follow through on. Right now I'm challenging myself to lose 30 lbs before October 30th (my baby sister's due date).

Currently my 43 goals are:

1. Lose 30 pounds

2. Start belly dancing again

3. Learn yoga

4. Live in Germany for a year

5. Beat my depression

6. Become more earth friendly

7. Stretch everyday (on top of Yoga)

8. Complete my photography course with high marks

9. Get my second tattoo

10. Drink more water

11. Stop hurting myself when I'm unhappy

12. Get over what happened to me as a child

13. Learn to sew

14. Get a Nikon D700

15. Get more involved in gender issues

16. Stop eating/drinking junk

17. Be an amazing aunt to my niece or nephew

18. Spend more time with my Dad

19. Learn to play the guitar

20. Cook more, eat out less

21. Make the most of the time left with my elderly dog

22. Get my writing published

23. Try to re-discover the joy of little things

24. Learn a second language

25. Exercise three days a week

26. Grow my hair long

27. Do something once a month that terrifies me

28. Take a spiritual retreat

29. Perform in a Shakespeare play

30. Meditate everyday

31. Work on being less co-dependant on my mother

32. Work in the garden every weekend

33. Learn ballroom dancing

34. Give blood

35. Start sleeping normal hours every night

36. Organize my room and office

37. Go to Thailand for the summer

38. Purge myself of unnecessary possessions

39. Get my website online

40. Teach a gender workshop

41. Finish all my half-completed paintings

42. Become a better listener

43. Get myself in good enough shape to do ballet again

Love and Kisses,
Andro Angel

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