Monday, August 11, 2008


I would like very much to have a magic wand so I might wave it around and have everything done please.

On top of everything I have left to do leading up to moving that the landlord requires (mainly vigorous scrubbing of all appliances and defrosting of fridge, vacuuming curtains etc.) I still have to:
clean the apartment
call the goodwill to haul away my ex boyfriend's furniture that he "gifted" to me so he didn't have to worry about it anymore
do half a zillion loads of dishes and laundry
send a bunch of furniture up to my sister
move the last remnants of it home
sort through dozens of boxes that never got sorted through before/after I moved because there was too much happening
decide when would be the least traumatic time to move my animals
figure out how to get blue hair dye courtesy of a ridiculous evening with Andrea and Robyn off of my bathroom ceiling (don't ask)
paint the second room at my mum's house
change the shower head and get mine installed in the bathroom at mum's house
talk John into letting me have the bathroom to myself
sort clothes into keep and give away piles
send clothes that are being given away to goodwill
make sure I haven't made any massive holes in the walls where I've hung art
if so, fix said holes
figure out how to hide the hole my rats chewed in the living room curtain or fix it

Oh and after I've moved everything and got myself settled... I have to pull off a drag show flawlessly mid September. And among all that I have to eat, sleep and work.

Love and Kisses,
Andro Angel

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