Sunday, August 24, 2008


I've been thinking. And life is pretty good right now. Or it's going to be. It's not so great right at this moment, but I can see the future and the future is a wonderful place. I can't wait to see where it takes me.

Right now my life is kind of chaotic. I have lots to do before I move this week, I'm working at a porn shop in a less than nice area of town, my family is being a tad on the difficult side and my friends are entrenched in drama - not as much as the last few months, but it's still there. To top it all off, the emergency prescription for... whatever anti anxiety med I was on... that they gave me in the E.R. a few months ago is running out.

But I'm going to be moving home and bill free soon. In March I start school at Vancouver Institute of Media Arts to learn digital photography. I've started spending time with a VERY hot couple and an equally gorgeous single that has been leading to some interesting situations. My show starts next month and I think I've really got a chance to make it great. I've got a local gym that I'll be able to go to daily if I want to and hopefully WILL be going to daily, I'm making good money which is great for future usage.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. And it's brilliant, blinding... incredible.

Love and Kisses,
Andro Angel

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