Sunday, March 15, 2009

On the road to nowhere fast...

My feet itch and twitch and shudder, wondering why I'm stuck in this place when there's a whole world out there to explore. I want to run, want to explore these lands with bare feet, an open heart. Get my hands dirty. And yet there's so much invested here in Vancouver. I have school which is a year long commitment that my parents are putting alot of money into. So I know that I'm here at least a year. It seem so long to be here...

I know I want to travel across California, stop in San Francisco and go to Stonewall, then head down through the southwestern United States, into Mexico, probably backpack it. I want to go to Haiti eventually, photograph the refugee efforts being put on by various charities through the country. I want to backpack across this continent and then move onto the next, do as much of South America as I can. Then make my way to Australia. I want photograph so many things, so many people. I want to meet the natives in Australia, to live among them, to learn from them.

Part of me feels like I'm trapped, like I've trapped myself with the things and people I've connected myself to. But I love the people that I'm connected to and in choosing between a huge unknown and the people I know and love, my family, my partner... It's a painful thought.

I think when I finish school, I will travel. I think... that I need it.

Even if it turns out to be a horrible disaster, even if I fail, I can say that I lived.

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