Friday, July 11, 2008

In the beginning there was darkness...

So in an attempt to maximize exposure and try and become an honest and true blogger, I have dragged my hesitant blog from the safe confines of livejournal and joined up with blogspot. This has come with much humming and hawing, as I have been a loyal livejournal girl for many years. But change appears to be a necessary evil.

So here it goes...

I am a twenty year old fetish model and photographer. I also delve into fashion and sci-fi/fantasy shoots, as flexibility is always a good idea. At the moment I work mostly in the "amateur" grouping, helping friends build their portfolios and doing small privately owned websites. I occasionally work as a webcam girl for IMLive, although it's been many months since I managed to get online and do any work. My main job (the one that pays the bills) is as a clerk in an adult video store. I work graveyards so there will most likely be many many random posts involving the ins and outs of that job, as well as the strange people that have come in to chat.

Writing is a passion of mine. My first work is due to be published some time next year in an anthology of prose-type true stories by the friends, family and significant others of transsexuals, written about my ex-partner who is an FTM transexual - I may or may not post it here, I am removing it from my livejournal at least until it is published. I write with relative frequency. What started out as a hobby, something to vent and let everything out, appears to actually have a great deal of potential as a career.

While most of my work deals in prose and chatter about my day to day, I will occasionally brave posting my poetry online, for honest critique - I can't be as good as I think I am, and thus need my ego to be dragged down occasionally by friendly "wtf is this shit?" type comments.

Anyways, that's all for this post. Stay tuned for some chatter on my most recent photo shoot with photographer/make-up artist Scott Hurr.

Love and Kisses,
Andro Angel

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