I'm loathe to speak of some of the things that happened yesterday and yet... overall it was such a good day, such a powerfully happy day, that I have to remind myself that there is good and bad and that we can't wipe out the bad or ignore it because without it, what would we have to compare the good to? Could we truly be happy if we didn't understand what sadness felt like?
Yesterday was DKV and Sin City, as well as my family lunch for my 20th birthday. I turned 20 on Friday, but Saturday was the day I had booked off, so all of my birthday events were tucked in there. I managed to con my mother and father into having lunch together with me, a bit of a feat considering they've been divorced since I was ten. But they get along well and at lunch I discovered just how well, because they had been conspiring to purchase me a laptop together as a birthday gift for some weeks now. However, because of VanArts' policy of giving laptops to all their photo students, I will most likely be recieving one in March when I go back to school. So instead, I ended up with a Nikon D60 digital SLR camera, 10.2 megapixals of sex! It has vibration reduction technology built into the lens which is wicked because my hands tend to shake during long shoots.
Afterwards my dad dropped me off at the skytrain and I headed out for a make-up session. This I won't talk about, because I don't believe in spreading negative crap around and I was stupid enough to talk about it in front of someone who told the artist that I wasn't happy with the work, as I was adjusting the make-up to better suite my purpose. I left from there to go to the DKV. I was a bit late, but I still made it in time to organize myself and get the prop work done as efficiently as last time. I are prop-manager extrodinaire! It was a blast and there were some great numbers. M's... I can't even begin to describe it. It was wonderful.
M and I headed out to Sin City post-DKV, as pre-planned, to enjoy their Seven Deadly Sins Seventh Anniversary party. I cheerfully pointed out to M that I would have been 13 when they started, to which he replied that I made him feel old. Pft. He's only five years older than me. Silly boy. There were some amazing burlesque numbers and lots of hot people dancing on the stage between sets. That's the only thing I regret, not grabbing one of the girls that we came with and dragging them on stage. I was thrilled to see R happy, probably one of the first times that I've seen them just let loose and enjoy themselves since I met them. It seems like L has been a good influence, in spite of the fact that I don't always agree with the things she does.
I'm sore from dancing so much, but I'm glad I did. I looked good and I felt good and for the first time in a long time... I didn't think so much. I didn't worry. I just let loose and enjoyed myself.
One of the most amusing parts of the evening? J and E making out, both ending up covered in fake blood. This is what happens when you decide to coat yourself in fake blood as part of your Sin City costume J! *snickers*. It wasn't a pairing I would have suspected, but it was entertaining nonetheless.
And no. I won't put full names because, as R cheerfully stated "What happens at Sin City... stays at Sin City!"
Love and Kisses,
Andro Angel
1 comment:
I am surprised I stayed so well behaved. You where quite maulable that evening. ;o)
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