Thursday, July 24, 2008

Vancouver Institute of Media Arts

So I received the information package from VanArts, including the application for admission to the digital photography program, which is only available full-time. It is also going to cost me $22,900. It's a 12 month intensive program which means I may need to take a year off work which means I have to save my little tush off.

The bonus to this whole thing? I get a Free Laptop & Adobe CS3 (which I need to look up so I can find out if it's any good). I'm assuming this is so that all their students have the correct technology to take the course. It's a pretty spiffy deal, considering they are charging me, or more correctly, my mother, an arm and a leg to attend if I end up choosing VanArts as my school of choice.

There's 4 terms. Term 2 is enormous and rather intimidating looking and even if I don't take off a whole year should I decide to go to VanArts, I may take off work during second term so that I can focus on school.

During Term 4 you take a Small Business Management course while you are building your final portfolio, which I think is super spiffy. I am liking the look of Term 2, Photojournalism, Advanced Photoshop and Fine Art & Nude Photography are all covered during this term.

I'm not making any final decisions yet, but I like that I can start laying out my options with more clarity.

Love and Kisses,
Andro Angel

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