Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sorting Life...

I'm working my way bit by bit through life these days. I was sick for two weeks and have only been back at school for a week. But the point is I'M HERE! I missed school - daytime televsion is the pits!

Both litters of kittens my cat studded for have been born. Four each, and all eight have opened their eyes. There's two really sweet white ones, two dark tabbys, three black, and one - for some reason - orange. They are super sweet. Puff, my ex's cat, has moved her kittens under the bed now that they are moving around. Boobs' kittens aren't moving as much yet. No walking at least. Mum has said that I can have one, bringing the total of cats in our once cat-free house to two. Hopefully I will move downstairs soon and then, who knows.

I'm getting my tattoo worked on today. It's been almost a year since I started it, and I'm stoked to get more work done finally. I'll post pictures soon!

Anyways, off I dash. Must pay attention to class.

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